The Tool Library is a low-cost tool lending program designed to serve the Bloomington-Normal community. Tool lending provides homeowners with the resources that they need to make repairs and modifications to their homes, allowing them to maintain a feeling of independence and integrity. Having the proper tools is a necessity for any project.
Tool Library Membership
Any Bloomington-Normal resident over the age of 18 is eligible to use the Tool Library. Please arrive during our business hours with a valid driver's license or state ID and complete the necessary paperwork to become a Tool Library member and begin checking out tools. The Tool Library will be implementing the following changes, beginning 05/31/2022, that all members should review. Tool Library members now have easier access to tools due to new membership format and tool rental protocols.
This change is to simplify the loan process by eliminating one-time tool rental fees and assist in paying for tool repairs, replacements, and potential growth. Read below to see how this affects you and your Tool Library membership.
New Membership Format
Prior to all members' next Tool Library loan, a new membership plan must be chosen. Plan selection required regardless of prior Tool Library membership. Available options for Tool Library membership listed below.
*Membership update/assistance available at next tool rental or call WRBP during store hours*
The benefits / requirements shared by ALL memberships:
Must be at least 18 years of age.
There are NO late fees.
Members may check out up to 7 tools at a time. The default loan length is one week for most tools, but we reserve the right to have shorter rental times on seasonal high-demand items such as mowers, tillers, weed eaters, snow blowers, etc .
Members can immediately check out tools upon registration.
Members can check out any and all tools in our inventory.
All memberships are annual. Upon its expiration, a member will need to renew their membership.
Members do not pay anything to borrow tools after membership requirements are confirmed.
Basic Membership
Members agree to pay a monetary donation of their choosing (with a suggested amount of $35).
To use the Workshop Space, it costs $5/visit.
Premiere Membership
$50 for an annual membership.
This membership includes unlimited access to the Workshop Space during the WBRP's hours of operation.
Tool Library Inventory
We currently do not have a way for the public to browse our inventory online. If you’re looking for something specific, or to check if an item is available, please call our building during our business hours.
On most days, we have the following items available to borrow:
NEW! Kitchen items: dehydrator, hand mixer, large stock pot, crock pot, instant pot, induction cooktop, 22” electric griddle, mixing bowls, cutting boards, baking sheets, juicer, infrared thermometer, frying pan
Hand tools: hammers, tape measures, screwdrivers, wrenches and ratchets/sockets of all sizes, rubber mallets, pliers, levels, squares, wire cutters, utility blades, putty knives, scrapers, riveters, vice grips, chisels, trowels, metal files, pipe cutters, variety of hand saws, crowbars, axes, hatchets, chisels, wedges, etc.
Woodworking tools: routers, biscuit joiner, hand and electric planers, carving tools
Drills and drill accessories: wood/metal, drywall, impact driver, hammer, variety of bits and accessories
Power saws: circular, reciprocating, jig, miter, table
Saw horses
Sanders: orbital, finishing, belt, corner
Rotary tools
Tile cutters: wet saws, hand tile cutters
Yard equipment and gardening tools: electric cultivators, lawn mowers, snow blowers, hedge trimmers (electric and manual), electric chain saws, pole saws (electric and manual), weedwackers, wheelbarrows, tampers, post hole diggers, post driver, farm jack, rakes, shovels, axes, hatchets, garden hoes, loppers, shears, pruners, trowels, hand rakes, hand cultivators, seed spreaders
Inverter Generator
Blow torches
Hot glue guns, heat guns
Hand trucks
Pneumatic tools: nailers, staplers, air compressors, hoses
Automotive items: battery charger, jumper cables, hydraulic jack, random orbital waxer, torque wrenches, oil changing materials
Extension cords
Step ladders, extension ladders, scaffolding
Shop vacs and fans
50’ drain snake
Flooring: pneumatic flooring nailer, knee kicker/carpet remover
Home: wallpaper remover, sewing machine, home tool kits
In our Workshop Space, we have a dust collection system, air filtration system, and the following equipment: Table saw, sliding compound miter saw, scroll saw, 2 drill presses, band saw, planer, and drum sander.
If you do not have a Premium membership, it will cost $5 each time you use the workshop space.
Workshop Space
The Tool Library Workshop space is now open for all your home improvement and repair projects. Learn how to use a tool and build your own projects at the Tool Library. Read more about the workshop in this WGLT article and come in and check out the space.
Throughout the year, we host a variety of classes for the public in our Workshop Space. Please stay connected with us through social media, sign up for monthly e-newsletter, or periodically check our events calendar to be notified of the next class!
Get Involved
Here's how you can help support the Tool Library. Donate an item off our wish list, raise awareness about the Tool Library by word of mouth, like our Facebook page, or consider a financial gift. Volunteers are also needed to support the operations of the Tool Library, check out the current volunteer needs. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Tool Library Wish List
If you're able to donate any of these items, we'd greatly appreciate it! All items need to be in good, working condition with zero parts missing. If you have an item you'd like to donate that's not on this list, feel free to give us a call!
Floor sander: orbital and edger
Automotive equipment: body cart
Painting supplies: drop cloths, rollers, extenders, trays, paint pail, 10 in 1 tool
2 gal. air compressor
Snow shovels
Large, plastic leaf rakes
Garden loppers
Standing weeder tools
Workshop Space
The Tool Library Workshop space is now open for all your home improvement and repair projects. Learn how to use a tool and build your own projects at the Tool Library, Read more about the workshop in this WGLT article and come in and check out the space.